Catch up on some of the things LGHS Key Club has been up to!
by Lauren Hager
From the 14th to the 21st of March, members of the Los Gatos Key Club participated in a division service project: Blanket Making. During the project, volunteers picked up blanket-making materials from either the Silicon Valley Business Center...
May Service Events
by Avni Hulyalkar
As we approach the long-awaited summer, our LGHS Key Club continues to brainstorm and execute a variety of service events which we will continue working on after the school year comes to a close. We have avidly jumped into the race to earn rice...
The Key to Leadership
by Avni Hulyalkar
Throughout the month of August, Los Gatos Key Club worked hard on a new event: The KEY to Leadership! Despite the cheesy name, with this Zoom-based webinar we hoped to build new, confident leaders in our community...
Holiday Bonding Event
by Avni Hulyalkar
To celebrate the end of finals, on Thursday, December 17, Los Gatos Key Club hosted a holiday bonding event over Zoom. We invited all our members to relax, talk to friends and new people, and get in the holiday spirit...
April Service Events
by Avni Hulyalkar
After the unfortunate shelter in place order, our LGHS Key Club has been resiliently brainstorming new service and fundraising opportunities! Already, club members have been busy writing letters to the amazing healthcare workers at Good Sam Hospital...
Building a Website
by Avni Hulyalkar
Los Gatos High School Key Club has maximized our time spent away from school, and we have made some long-term advances to our club’s accessibility. Hunter Beesley, our Communications Officer, has been working hard to design a website for our very own LGHS Key Club!
Los Gatos Creek Trail Cleanup
by Avni Hulyalkar
On the fourth Saturday of October, also known as Kiwanis One Day, members around the world gathered to help their communities. Los Gatos Key Club participated by kickstarting our first trail cleanup of the year...
Super Bowl Fundraiser
by Avni Hulyalkar
Los Gatos Key Club hosted a Super Bowl Fundraiser designed to bring even more delicious food into the household while raising money for an important cause. We partnered with our local Chipotle...
We Got This LG!
by Kacey Yoe
Despite difficulties finding various ways to serve our community while still staying safe, one of the first organized events was hanging posters and banners reading “We Got This LG!” all around downtown Los Gatos...
CZU Donation Drive
by Avni Hulyalkar
On Saturday, September 26, Los Gatos Key Club participated in the CZU Relief Donation Drive. This event was organized by the Kiwanis Club, and clubs from all over the community were invited to participate...
Blanket Making
by Avni Hulyalkar
On Saturday, November 20, Los Gatos Key Club was invited to participate in a division service project: No-Sew Blanket Making. These blankets were then donated to the Grateful Garment Project...
Los Gatos Gives Project
by Avni Hulyalkar
Los Gatos Key Club recently helped the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce with their LG Gives Project, in which gift packages were delivered to the elderly in our community. The event had two main parts...
Favorite Key Club Moments
Read some of the memorable moments our members have written about!
Holiday Shopping Spree
Hot Chocolate
by Kacey Yoe
I had two major Key Club moments that made me be proud to be not only a Key Clubber, but a Supertrooper as well. The first happened during our annual club event with Sundays Friends. We all gathered at a local Pizza My Heart and brainstormed ideas...
by Nithish Chakravarthy
My favorite Key Club memory would be the Regional Training Conference. It took place in June 2019 and included a DCM and all the Key clubs from Northern California being present...
by Avni Hulyalkar
A cool November breeze swept through my frizzy hair as I grinned at the table in the middle of Fisher Middle School’s campus. Even as a seventh grader, I could appreciate the efficient workings of our well-oiled machine...