Blanket Making
by Lauren Hager
From the 14th to the 21st of March, members of the Los Gatos Key Club participated in a division service project: Blanket Making. During the project, volunteers picked up blanket-making materials from either the Silicon Valley Business Center or Santa Clara High School. With their supplies, volunteers made no-sew blankets by cutting strips and tying knots to transform colorful fabric into blankets. Given to Kiwanis, the blankets are to be donated to different needs at a future date.

One member who volunteered in the project, Avni Hulyaklar, said, “Making no-sew blankets was both a fun and rewarding experience! It makes me super happy to know that someone out there will benefit and become a bit warmer because of our club’s efforts. I’d love to participate in more events like this in the future!” The project created blankets for a good cause and motivated members to be excited about volunteering.